
How to edit your website

Superstar Bots • LAST UPDATED 17/07/2019


If you ever want to change the way your website looks, here’s how:

Changing The Logo & Site Title:

Click the ‘Change Logo’ link in your Dashboard. From there, go to Layout > Header > Site Identity to change your logo and site title:

  1. Click Change Logo to replace your logo
  2. Type a new site name into the Site Title field
  3. Click Publish to save your changes

You can also edit the website fonts (typography) and colour scheme in this Customiser. Go to Typography > Base Typography to change the website fonts. Go to Colors & Background > Base Colours to change the website colours.

Editing The Site Menu:

Click the ‘Edit Navigation Menu’ link in your custom dashboard to edit the menu. Here you can add and remove pages from your menu. Drag and drop pages (or posts, products, categories, events etc.) into a new position to change their order. You can also drop pages underneath another page to create a drop-down menu:

  1. Select the pages you want to add to your menu by ticking the boxes next to them
  2. Click Add to Menu to add your selected pages to the menu
  3. You can add a custom link (eg. link to a different website altogether) using the Custom Links button, or choose an event, post, product etc. to add to the menu
  4. Click the arrow ▼ on a page to delete it or rename it
  5. Drag and drop the pages into a new position – pages which are nested under others will display as a drop-down menu
  6. Click Save Menu to publish your changes

Editing The Site Header & Footer:

Click the ‘Edit Site Header’ and ‘Edit Site Footer’ links in your custom dashboard to edit the header and footer. The header and footer are editable with Elementor, so changing their appearance is really simple with a drag and drop interface (see next section on how to use Elementor).